Five years of a history full of prizes

To celebrate the successful history of the Hyundai HB20 in Brazil, we created a retrospective of all the cars’ models being featured in the World Cup and the Olympic Games, two huge events that were held in Brazil since the car was being introduced.

My role
Illustration, animation and art direction

Brand: Hyundai
Creatives: Mauricio Zabotto e Santhiago Oliveira
Digital Account Manager: Marcelo Camargo
Advertisement Group Director: Danilo Chaim Berber
Direction: Jannerson Xavier
Illustration: Amália Lage, Dika Araujo, Mari Heffner
Motion: Amália Lage, Jannerson Xavier, Bugbite
Sound Design: Jacarandá
Voiceover: Diego R. - Loc On Demand
Project Manager: Marcelo Moreno